As a follow on to the arrival of the new chaos daemons, we have restocked the chaos space marines range.
- Chaos Space Marines
- Possessed Marines
- Khorne Berzerkers
- Vehicle Bitz
- Terminators
More to follow!
Current news from Let The Dice Decide Store, Latest offers and additions as well as hobby related matters. We offer Warhammer and 40k bits and sprues, we also show conversions and sell dice and Board games
More to follow!
Still to come in the next week or so
Some things to look out for include.... Massive weapons from the daemon prince set, axe, swords, claws! Some nice looking chaos swords from the bloodletters and female heads and body parts (well almost!) from the daemonettes.
Also the following sprues are back in stock.
So there we have it.... more to come tomorrow.....
Have Fun!
So make sure you grab those beaky heads, scopes, studded shoulder pads and meltaguns quick!
Have Fun